Rosie Made a Thing Cards and Gifts

Rosie Made a Thing Logo

A few words from Rosie about her hilarious cards:-

Hello, I’m Rosie. The Rosie who Makes The Thing.

I work with a small team of pixies to create papery lols and send them out into the world. It may not surprise you to know that I have no artistic qualifications whatsoever.  I left my job as a PE teacher after the birth of my first child in 2008 and happily bumbled along until the start of 2015 when Rosie Made A Thing was formed. (When I say formed, I turned up at Spring Fair with 30 cards and a drill and happily set up my stand in the back corner of the NEC next to the loos.)

In 2016, we were nominated for a Henry Award for Best Humorous Range and we only went and won it!

And the rest is history. We now supply stores all around the UK, including The Tantivy,  John Lewis, Scribbler, Fenwick and Fortnum & Mason, as well as exporting to lots of countries around the world.

Two more children have come along so I now work around their hectic schedules of football and treading slime into carpets. If you call the office, you will speak to our wonderful Office Manager, Melanie. Despite her background as a Prison Governor (we laugh in the face of proper qualifications around here), she is very friendly and always happy to help. Unless you owe us money.

All our cards are printed here in the UK on sustainable board. They are inspired by the ridiculous and the slightly inappropriate. And 2 or 3 glasses of wine. We hope they make you smile.

Rosie x

12-16 Fore Street, Dulverton
Exmoor, TA22 9EX

01398 323 465

Saxon-Jones Enterprises Ltd

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VAT No: 284 6678 49